Saturday, October 21, 2023

Jerry John Rawlings - Stabilizing Force and Hero of Ghana


JJ Rawlings is known for bringing political stability to Ghana.
J.J. Rawlings of Ghana in his final role as elder statesman.

Jerry John Rawlings was a Ghanaian military officer, aviator and politician who led the country for a brief period in 1979, and then from 1981 to 2001. He led a military junta until 1992, and then served two terms as the democratically elected president of Ghana.  His second period of rule (1981–2001) afforded Ghana political stability and competent economic management.

Rawlings was born as Jerry Rawlings John on June 22, 1947, in Accra, Ghana. He attended Achimota School and a military academy at Teshie. Rawlings was married to Nana Konadu Agyeman, whom he met while at Achimota College. They had three daughters: Zanetor Rawlings, Yaa Asantewaa Rawlings, Amina Rawlings; and one son, Kimathi Rawlings.

Rawlings died in 2020 at age 73 and was accorded a state funeral.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Truly Salvador and Making Waves - El Salvador's President Stops at Nothing to Restore Order to Country

Nayib Bukele is credited with improving safety in El Salvador.
Nayib Bukele looking unflappable in full presidential regalia.

Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez is the 43rd president of El Salvador. He is the first president since José Napoleón Duarte (1984–1989) not to have been elected as the candidate of one of the country's two mainstream political parties: the left-leaning Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) and the right-leaning Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA). 

Bukele served as mayor of Nuevo Cuscatlán for three years from 2012 to 2015, and then served three years as mayor of San Salvador, the country's capital, from 2015 to 2018.

On 5 June 2021, Bukele announced that he planned to introduce a bill to the Legislative Assembly which would make El Salvador the first nation to make bitcoin legal tender. The Legislative Assembly passed the bill on June 8, 2021.

Bukele has successfully brought crime under control and is now focusing on attracting more tourists to El Salvador. Thanks to Bukele's efforts, an influx of bitcoin enthusiasts, surfers, nature lovers, and anglers have visited El Salvador, many for the first time.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Congress Street in Portsmouth, NH Shows Lively Downtown Scene

Cars in this photo date from the 1920s or 30s.
Portsmouth, NH is a popular weekend getaway destination in New England.

International travel ground to a halt during the global Coronavirus pandemic. As a result, many rediscovered destinations that were closer to home. Portsmouth, NH is an easy drive from New York City and just up the road from Boston.

A historical and quaint city, Portsmouth offers a refreshing dose of New Hampshire hospitality. Downtown Portsmouth is very walkable, with the downtown historic district dating back to the 1600s. Colonial homes and buildings are common, thanks to Portsmouth's past status as a major seaport. 

Portsmouth is recognized for its eclectic restaurants, coffee shops, and breweries. Visitors also take advantage of New Hampshire's zero sales tax, stocking up on everything from tobacco products to appliances!